Privacy Policy

Welcome to That Manga Page! We value your privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of any personal information you provide while exploring our content.

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  • All view are personal and we do not own any copyrights
  • Information, images & artwork is collected from various sources available online and or its authors do not take responsibility of the same.

Information Collection:

  • We collect basic user information such as IP addresses, browser details, and device information for analytics purposes.
  • Any personal details you voluntarily provide, like name or email for comments or subscriptions, are securely stored. We do not sell any data.

Third-Party Links:

  • Our blog may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices.
  • For any issues occurred with third-party websites/links, kindly reach out to the respective websites directly.
  • That Manga Page is not responsible for third-party link issues.


  • Subscribing to our newsletter means consenting to receive periodic updates. You can opt out anytime.

Security Measures:

  • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data, but no method is 100% secure.
  • Use the blog at your discretion.


  • Our website uses cookies to enhance user experience. You can control cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Policy Updates:

  • We reserve the right to update our privacy policy. Check this page for the latest information.

By using That Manga Page, you agree to this privacy policy. If you have concerns or questions, please

Thank you for trusting us with your privacy.

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