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“A Panel a day, keeps the boredom away”

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Dive into our rich collection of articles on your favourite heroes and villains on their crazy adventures, and remember life is too short for regrets, give that manga a shot.

In the spotlight

December Recommendations

Hells Paradise

Explore a compact 127-chapter story that’s a complete package. Discover compelling characters, an enthralling premise, and thrilling action scenes. Perfect for a December read, it promises an immersive experience blending captivating storytelling and adrenaline-fueled moments, offering a concise yet fulfilling journey through its engaging narrative.


Indulge in non-stop hilarity with the Yorozuya’s everyday chaos. Amidst their daily antics, an incredible main storyline subtly unfolds, ensuring a well-rounded experience. The series guarantees unceasing entertainment—fillers and main storylines alike leave readers equally delighted. Engage in this hilarious journey that seamlessly merges comedic brilliance with a compelling narrative, promising consistent enjoyment with each chapter.

Tokyo Ghoul

Ishida Sui’s manga masterpiece blends compelling storytelling and immersive artistry. Its tragic tale mesmerizes with each revisit, unveiling hidden intricacies. New readers are quickly captivated, while re-reads consistently reveal fresh details. This narrative transcends, offering an enduringly engaging experience that hooks you from the start and continues to thrill you with every subsequent read.

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