Dragon Ball Z

“Dragon Ball Z” manga, a continuation of the original “Dragon Ball” series by Akira Toriyama, centers on the adventures of Goku and his allies as they defend Earth from powerful adversaries. Set several years after the events of “Dragon Ball,” the narrative follows Goku’s journey as he confronts new threats that pose immense danger to the planet.

The series kicks off with the arrival of Raditz, Goku’s estranged brother, who reveals Goku’s Saiyan heritage and introduces the concept of powerful extraterrestrial foes. This triggers a chain of events leading to intense battles against formidable villains like Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. The manga showcases iconic moments, including Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan, marking a significant turning point in the series.

Throughout the manga, themes of perseverance, sacrifice, and the strength of camaraderie resonate as Goku and his companions train rigorously to protect Earth from impending destruction. The action-packed narrative, characterized by explosive battles and awe-inspiring transformations, combined with Toriyama’s distinctive art style, solidifies “Dragon Ball Z” as an enduring classic that has profoundly influenced the world of manga and anime.

Genre: Shōnen Manga, Adventure, Fantasy comedy, Martial arts

Release Date: 1984 – 1995

Author: Akira Toriyama

Rating: 3/5


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