Dragon Ball Super

“Dragon Ball Super” manga continues the iconic “Dragon Ball” series, picking up after the defeat of Majin Buu. Created by Akira Toriyama, the storyline follows Goku, Vegeta, and their allies as they face new powerful foes and embark on thrilling adventures across various universes.

The narrative begins with the introduction of Beerus, the God of Destruction, and his attendant, Whis. Goku challenges Beerus, leading to a fierce battle that reveals the existence of other powerful beings across the multiverse. As the story progresses, the series explores the multiverse tournament arc, where warriors from different universes clash in epic battles for survival and supremacy.

The manga delves into intricate lore, unveiling divine beings, like the Omni-King, Zeno, and the hierarchy of the multiverse. Additionally, it introduces compelling new characters such as Zamasu and the concept of alternate timelines, leading to gripping arcs involving time travel and the ramifications of altering history.

Featuring intense action sequences, transformations, and power-ups, “Dragon Ball Super” manga continues to captivate fans with its dynamic artwork and high-stakes battles. Alongside the action, the series incorporates themes of friendship, growth, and the limitless potential of its characters, further cementing its status as a beloved and enduring part of the “Dragon Ball” franchise.

Genre: Shōnen Manga, Adventure, Fantasy comedy, Martial arts 

Release Date: 2015 – Ongoing

Author: Akira Toriyama

Rating: 3/5


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