
“Dororo” revolves around a warrior named Hyakkimaru, who embarks on a perilous quest for vengeance and self-discovery in a war-torn feudal Japan. Born malformed and devoid of multiple body parts, Hyakkimaru’s fate intertwines with dark forces when his father, a power-hungry lord, strikes a pact with demons, sacrificing Hyakkimaru’s body to obtain dominance.

Rescued and raised by a skilled prosthetics maker, Dororo, a young thief, becomes Hyakkimaru’s companion in his journey. Hyakkimaru, wielding prosthetic blades and sensing demons, seeks to reclaim his stolen body parts by slaying the demons who harbor them.

Throughout their odyssey, the duo encounters various adversaries, demons, and individuals affected by the lord’s ruthless quest for power. As Hyakkimaru reclaims body parts, he grapples with newfound sensations and emotions while confronting the ethical implications of his quest for vengeance.

The manga explores themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. Hyakkimaru’s quest for wholeness and Dororo’s growth as a steadfast ally intertwine against a backdrop of moral ambiguity and the human struggle for identity and justice. “Dororo” captivates with its atmospheric storytelling, intricate character development, and profound exploration of the human condition amidst a landscape of historical turmoil and supernatural forces.

Genre: Shōnen Manga, Action, Dark fantasy, Historical fantasy

Release Date: 1967 – 1969

Author: Osamu Tezuka 

Rating: 5/5

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